get column at a given index
index of column starting from 0
column as an array of numbers
calculate determinant, implemented for mat2, mat3, mat4
check for equality
matrix to compare
true or false
calculate M^-1 for mat2, mat3, mat4
Checks if the matrix contains NaN or Infinity values
true if all values are finite (neither NaN nor Infinity)
Checks if the matrix contains NaN values
true if one of the values is NaN
check for rough equality (because in JS, .1+.2 !== .3)
matrix to compare
tolerance, by default 1e-14
true or false
get row at a given index
index of row starting from 0
row as an array of numbers
convert to array
convert matrix to string
a string containing matROWSxCOLS(comma-separated-values)
returns transposed matrix
get value at a given position
row index starting from 0
column index starting from 0
create identity matrix
dimension of the matrix
Generated using TypeDoc
add two matrices